Integrated talent strategies

未来的工作议程要求雇主重新思考雇主与员工的关系, pioneering new workplace and workforce design, and creating differentiated employee experiences.

Talent strategy challenges

  • 吸引、发展和留住公司最关键的人才
  • Growing competition and changing talent expectations
  • 以人才经验为中心,结合业务和人员优先事项
  • 评估和了解我们现在拥有的人员和技能,并为我们未来需要的人员和技能做好准备
  • 提高员工的技能和技能,以应对重大的业务挑战
  • 重新思考如何优先考虑与自动化、人工智能和其他数字力量相关的人才
  • Understanding what different employee populations expect from us

Craft a future-focused talent strategy

今天的组织面临着前所未有的压力,需要重新培训和重新部署人才以保持竞争力. A more diverse demographic profile, 数字化的工作方式和不断变化的期望正在重塑工作的未来. 这些力量要求组织重新思考如何准备吸引人才, 为现在和未来最关键的职位培养和留住人才. 合适的人才可以在公司内部创造创新文化,从而吸引更多的优秀人才.

An effective talent management strategy helps to:

  • Transform the organization and work design into a simpler, more agile structure, moving away from a traditional multilayered organization
  • 确定应对和解决以人为中心的挑战所需的杠杆
  • 结合创新技术和技能来改变工作场所
  • 平衡战略业务和劳动力战略与运营实施






Create an impactful talent strategy

随着不断变化的业务环境对重新定义工作提出了新的挑战, flexible arrangements and emerging to a post-pandemic world, organizations — now, 他们比以往任何时候都更需要用全新的战略来重新设定人才优先级.

These five key questions 在人才管理策略更新过程中需要考虑的关键因素:

  1. 从人力资本的角度来看,激活我们组织的商业战略的最佳框架是什么?
  2. 我们组织的人才是如何在关键人群中分布的, and what is the projection for the future?
  3. 当我们考虑外部人才对我们劳动力的影响时,需要考虑哪些外部人才力量?
  4. 我们对如何重新定义工作以在日益敏捷的框架中交付责任有什么看法?
  5. 我们如何确保多样性、公平性和包容性融入到我们的端到端价值主张中?

Talent strategies prioritize future workforce needs

2019冠状病毒病大流行加速了关于未来工作的对话, 将几十年来对工作自动化和灵活性的思考转化为行动. 这种转变为更新人才管理策略和为企业未来的成功做好准备提供了机会.
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Our talent strategy framework

美世拥有独特的优势,可以通过人才细分和参与,在人与技术之间建立协同效应,创造价值. Let us help you reimagine how talent can be connected to work. 我们的人才战略框架平衡了业务和人才对人才体验的影响.
  • Business impact

    包括塑造组织及其人员和能力需求的内部和外部因素. 优秀的人才管理切实支持企业目标和战略.
  • People impact

    concerns user/target group needs and preferences. Excellent talent management delivers on employee expectations, which is also measurable through engagement and performance.
  • Talent experience

    aggregates the experiences of everyone in an organization. 它涉及人才管理的接触点和过程,在人才框架内,迎合业务和人员的利益.

Bringing the talent management framework to life

将人才管理战略付诸实施需要多维度的实施方法来处理战略和目标, organization and roles, services and processes, and culture and leadership. 人才战略的核心和每一步都涉及到人才体验.


圆形图显示了对企业和人员都有影响的人才体验的相关领域. The four areas are Strategy and purpose, Services and processes, Culture and leadership, and organization and roles.

Strategy and purpose

  • Tangible value for the business
  • 全面的劳动力规划和优先事项和措施的推导
  • Focus on critical target groups
  • Future-oriented decisions

Services and processes

  • Talent strategy as basis for target-group offerings and services
  • Engaging platforms and formats
  • Connected talent services along the employee lifecycle
  • Smart integration of technology

Organization and roles

  • Talent management roles based on business and people needs
  • Clear and purposeful distribution of responsibilities and tasks
  • Sensible interaction and connections
  • Active involvement of the business

Culture and leadership

  • Inclusive communication, dialog and enablement
  • Transparent communication on opportunities and expectations
  • Aligned leadership mindset
  • Empowerment of employees

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      Contact us to learn how we can help with your talent strategy.