Gearing up for the future of flexible work 

Man in a suit working from his phone, listening to music with earbuds

灵活的工作 models are here to stay. It is time to make them work for your workforce.

所有工作都可以伸缩. This means that organisations can adopt a broader view of flexible working and offer a flex-working strategy that benefits everyone, not just those who work remotely. Despite the opportunities present in this area, our recent 全球人才趋势 research revealed a disparity in opinions. Executives are concerned about remote working, but employees see things differently:

of executives say they are concerned about the impact of remote work on the organisational culture. 


of employees say they enjoy working remotely 100% of the time.


of executives are concerned that remote workers will have a difficult time getting ahead or being promoted.


of employees believe their organisations will be more successful with remote/hybrid workers.

HR will be a key mediator in bridging the gap between these differing perspectives.

Struggling with scale and impact

Most organisations are now working to build sustainable flexible working models. However, many are struggling to achieve scale and impact. 在我们的研究中, 18% of leaders report that they are struggling to gain momentum and get buy-in for the adoption of new work designs, including flexible work.

Attracting and retaining talent

Many organisations are seeking to become more human. They are doing this by listening intently to their stakeholders, by using data to uncover behavioural patterns and guide action, and by speaking out on issues that matter. In many cases, this is also motivating them to adopt a more flexible approach to work. Overall, it is making them more open and relatable. Employees who are in a position to choose where they want to work will be attracted to such organisations. 创造一个更人性化的, and a more flexible work environment, is therefore becoming imperative for companies that want to attract and retain great talent.

Flexibility is a priority for employees

我们询问员工, “As you think about flexibility in the future, once the pandemic has passed, how important is it to you?”

“I would consider switching employers if it was not an option for me.”


"It would improve my job satisfaction, but I would not seek a different employer.”


"This is not a priority for me.”


Evaluate how best to deliver flexible working options for all. Move beyond location-based flexibility to expand general access to flexible work arrangements. Consider how time-based flexibility, part-time work or contract-based work can be used as differentiators for your organisation — positives that will attract talent to join and remain with you.

全球人才趋势 : Rise of the relatable organisation

A moment of profound opportunity has arrived. Companies can now pick up the tools of empathy learnt and honed during the pandemic period and use them to carve out a new way of partnering that is more relatable, sustainable and attuned to the new shape of work. Flexible work models are the way of the future.
Evolving a flexible working culture is a top HR priority.
美世的 全球人才趋势 Survey