

 4. 其他使用限制。You may not copy, reproduce, recompile, decompile, reverse assemble, reverse engineer, distribute, publish, display, perform, modify, upload any portion of this site, create derivative works from any portion of this Site, transmit or in any way exploit any portion of this Site,但您可從本網站下載資料及/或列印合理數量之複本以供您個人使用,或於組織內使用,但所有複本應保留所有著作權及其他版權聲明。Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, you may not recycle, redistribute or publish the analysis and briefings contained on this website without the prior written consent of the Aggregator。修改網站內容違反了商家的版權和其他專有權利。In addition, you may not offer any portion of this Site for sale or distribution through any media, including but not limited to over-the-air television or radio, computer networks or hyperlinks on the Internet, without MERCER's prior written consent。The Site and the information contained therein may not be used to construct a database of any kind, nor may the Site be stored (in whole or in part) in a database for you or any third party to access or distribute any database site containing all or part of the Site。您不得以任何方式使用本網站,以改善您向任何第三方出售或提供的任何資料的品質。Except as expressly provided in these Terms, you may not use any trade names, trademarks, website marks and logos displayed on the Website (collectively, the "Relevant Marks").。Nothing appearing on this Site or elsewhere shall be construed as implying, estoppel or otherwise granting any right to use or use any mark。You will not use the Site, the information contained therein, or any business names or marks in unsolicited mail or spam material, nor will you send spam or unsolicited mail to any person or entity using the Site。


 5. 通訊服務。本網站可能包含新聞群組、論壇和/或其他訊息或通訊設施,旨在使您能夠與大眾進行大型或團體通訊(統稱為"通訊服務")。您可能需要註冊才能使用通訊服務。You agree對您在註冊時設定的密碼進行保密,且You agree不向任何其他個人或實體洩露密碼。You agree that you are solely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your password and that you will be responsible for any breach of this obligation, including, without limitation, any damage caused by or related to such breach。You agree對使用您的密碼進行的所有活動負全部責任。若您有任何理由認為您的密碼已遭洩露,您也同意立即聯絡 Mercer。


本公司得提供機會,讓 貴用戶及其他使用者透過本網站上的通訊服務來張貼或提交內容。Mercer does not endorse any user posts and they should not be construed as reflecting Mercer's opinions or views。You agree to be responsible for any Content you post or otherwise submit through the Service, including its legality, reliability, appropriateness, originality and copyright。You agree僅使用通訊服務來張貼、傳送及接收與特定通訊服務相關且適當之訊息及資料。舉例而言,You agree在使用通訊服務時不會:

  • 誹謗、辱罵、騷擾、跟蹤、威脅或以其他方式違反他人的合法權利(例如隱私權和公開權)。
  • \n
  • Post, post, upload, distribute or disseminate any inappropriate, profane, defamatory, infringing, obscene, indecent or illegal subject matter, name, material or information。
  • \n
  • Upload files containing software or other material protected by intellectual property laws (or rights of privacy and publicity) unless you own or control the rights or have obtained all necessary consents。
  • \n
  • Upload files that contain viruses, corrupted files, or any other similar software or programs that may damage the operation of another person's computer。
  • \n
  • Advertise or offer to sell or buy any goods or services for any commercial purpose, unless such messages are expressly permitted by the communications Service。
  • \n
  • 進行或轉發調查、競賽、金字塔騙局或連鎖信。
  • \n
  • 下載其他通訊服務使用者所張貼且您知道或理應知道不得以此方式合法散佈的任何檔案。
  • \n
  • Falsify or remove any attribution, legal or other appropriate claim of authorship, proprietary names or labels or other information contained in the uploaded file, or the source or provenance of the software。
  • \n
  • 限制或禁止任何其他使用者使用及享用通訊服務。
  • \n
  • 違反可能適用於任何特定通訊服務的任何行為準則或其他準則。
  • \n
  • 在未經他人同意的情況下,搜集或以其他方式收集他人的資訊,包括電子郵件地址。
  • \n
  • 違反任何適用的法律或法規。
  • \n

Mercer 沒有義務監控通訊服務。然而,Mercer Reserve the right,得審查發佈於通訊服務的資料,並得自行斟酌移除任何資料。Mercer 保留隨時基於任何理由終止您存取任何或所有通訊服務的權利,恕不另行通知。


Mercer 將根據其在 的隱私權聲明,管理透過本網站收集的任何個人資訊 http://y1m.eliogonzalez.com/footer/privacy-notice。According to its Privacy Statement, Mercer reserves the right to disclose any information at any time and as needed to satisfy any applicable law, regulation, legal process or government request, or at Mercer's sole discretion to edit, refuse to post or remove all or part of the information or materials。


Mercer 不聲稱您提供給 Mercer 或貼文的資料擁有權(包括回饋和建議), 上傳、 輸入或提交任何通訊服務(統稱為"提交"); 然而 透過張貼, Up cross, 輸入、 提供或提交您授予 Mercer 的提交資料, 其附屬公司、 再被許可人及本網站的其他使用者許可,在其業務營運過程中使用您的提交內容,包括: 不受限制, 以下權利: 複製、 分發、 傳輸、 公開展示 公開表演 複製, 編輯、 翻譯並重新格式化您的提交內容; 並發佈與您提交內容相關的姓名。


如本文所述,不會就使用您的提交內容支付任何報酬。Mercer is under no obligation to post or use any submission you may provide, and may remove or edit any submission at any time in Mercer's sole discretion。




 6. 授權。Except for the limited right to use the Site in accordance with these Terms, you do not acquire any rights or licenses to the Site and the materials contained therein。


 7. 連結與架構。Mercer prohibits caching of this website, unauthorized hypertext links to this Website, and the structure of any information available through this Website。Mercer reserves the right to deactivate any unauthorized links or frames and expressly disclaims any responsibility for the content of any other websites linked to this site。與本網站連結的其他網際網路網站都有自己的使用條款和條件以及隱私權政策。Access to any other websites linked to this site is at your own risk, and Mercer expressly disclaims any and all liability in connection with such websites。


 8. 連結。未經 Mercer 明確書面同意,您不得連結至本網站,無論是首頁或是位於首頁下方一個或數個層級("深層連結")的任何其他頁面,也不得在其他網站("框架 )內顯示或呈現本網站的內容"。


 9. Reserve the right。根據任何國內或國外政府當局法律,All present and future rights to trade secrets, patents, Copyrights, trade names, trademarks, service marks, databases, expertise and other proprietary rights of any kind,包括您與 Mercer 之間的所有與本網站相關的應用程式和註冊的權利("智慧財產權"),應始終是 Mercer 的唯一和專有財產。All present and future rights and title to the Site (including the right to utilize any present or future technology on the Site and any portion of the Site) are reserved to Mercer。


 10. 免責聲明和責任限制。The information contained on this website provides only a general overview of the topics covered, is not intended as advice for any individual situation and should not be relied upon as such, nor does it constitute and is not a substitute for obtaining your own tax or legal advice。您應就特定承保問題諮詢您的保險和法律顧問。所有保險範圍均受適用個人保單的條款、條件和除外條款約束。Mercer 無法保證可為任何特定客戶或任何特定風險投保。


You agree to use the Site at your own risk and acknowledge that the Site and any content in it, including but not limited to the content, services, goods or advertising or any documents on the Site (" Items "), are provided "as is" and "as available"。We do not provide any representations, warranties or conditions (whether express or implied) with respect to the Site and the Project, including but not limited to the implied representations, warranties or conditions relating to merchantability, non-infringement, title, fitness for a particular purpose or use, performance, availability, timeliness, accuracy or completeness。Mercer 不保證本網站與您的設備相容,或沒有錯誤或病毒、蠕蟲或"特洛伊木馬程式",且對於您因此類破壞性功能而遭受的任何損害概不負責。You agree that Mercer's suppliers and their third party agents shall not be liable or liable for: (i) any injury or damage, 無論是 Mercer 的疏忽, 其員工、 轉包商、 值機員、 供應商或因本網站而生的其他情況; 或 (ii) 任何過失, inaccuracy, 遺漏、 因您的電腦設備或因您在此類設備上使用網站而導致的延遲或任何其他故障; 或 (iii) 未經我們明確同意,您對項目的任何依賴。


本網站外部網站的連結僅為方便起見。Mercer 不審查、背書、核准或控制任何從 mercer.We are not responsible for, and are not responsible for, links to or links to websites, the content of such websites, third parties named therein, or their products and services。Linking to any other website is at your own risk and Mercer is not responsible for any damage associated with the link。Mercer 並未維護或控制可能連結至本網站的其他網站、服務、商品或廣告內容。Links to downloadable software websites are for convenience only, and Mercer is not responsible for any difficulties or consequences associated with downloading the Software。Accordingly, Mercer is not responsible for the availability, content or accuracy of other websites, services or goods that may link to or advertise on this Website。Mercer does not: (a) make any warranties, express or implied, with respect to the use of links provided on this Site;(b) guarantee the accuracy, completeness, usefulness or adequacy of any other websites, services, goods or advertisements that may be linked to this Website;Or (c) make any express or implied endorsement of any other websites, services, goods or advertisements that may be linked to this Website。Mercer 也不對您用來存取本網站的電話線路和設備的可靠性或持續可用性負責。You understand that Mercer and/or third party Site contributors may at any time elect to prohibit or disable access to their content in accordance with these Terms。


 11. 責任限制。You agree,在任何情況下, 包括但不限於疏忽、 應該合併 其供應商或其第三方代理商須就直接、 間接、 附帶, 衍生性、 特殊, 懲罰性或懲戒性損害賠償,即使已特別告知絲光公司的授權代表該等損害賠償之可能性, 因使用或無法使用網站、網站的任何連結或項目,或條款的任何規定所引起, 例如 但不限於 收入損失、預期利潤或業務損失。This limitation of liability includes, but is not limited to, the spread of any virus that may infect User equipment, failure of mechanical or electronic equipment or communication lines, unauthorized access or any force majeure。MERCER 不能也不保證連續、不間斷或安全地存取網站。若干司法管轄區不允許排除某些損害,因此上述除外情況可能不適用於您。您可能擁有因國家而異的其他權利。您在這些司法管轄區應用適用法律而可能擁有的任何權利,不受此免責聲明的影響。


 12. 聲明及保證。您聲明、保證並承諾:(i) 年滿 18 歲,And/or have the power and authority to enter into this Agreement;(ii) may enter into legally binding contracts under applicable law;(iii) Not use any of the rights granted under this Agreement for any unlawful purpose;And (iv) Use the Website only in accordance with these Terms。


 13. 賠償。You agree, 自費 賠償 捍衛並使 Mercer 及其員工免受傷害, 代表、 供應商和代理商、 任何索賠, 西裝、 行動或其他程序, 在基於或因您使用網站而產生的範圍內, 或本網站上的任何連結, 包括 但不限於: (i) 您或您的電腦使用者使用本網站; (ii) 您或使用您電腦的任何人違反本條款; (iii) 聲稱您或您使用電腦之人對本網站的任何使用侵犯任何第三方的任何智慧財產權(如本文所定義), 或任何人格或公開權, 誹謗或誹謗 或以其他方式導致任何第三方受傷或損壞; (iv) 任何刪除; 附加項目、 插入或改變, 或任何未經授權的使用, 您或他人使用您的電腦或您的密碼所建立的網站; 或 (v) 任何不實陳述或違反陳述, 您在此所做出的保證或契約。You agree to pay any and all costs, damages and expenses (including reasonable attorneys' fees) and costs awarded arising out of or in connection with or arising out of any such claim, action, action or proceeding。


 14. 終止。您或 Mercer 得隨時終止本條款,無論是否有理由,且立即生效。您可以透過中止使用本網站並銷毀從本網站獲得的所有材料來終止本條款。若 Mercer 自行判斷您未能遵守本條款的任何規定,本條款將立即終止,恕不另行通知。Upon your termination or Mercer's notice of termination, you must immediately destroy all materials obtained from this Site and any copies thereof。Clauses 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22 and 23 shall survive termination of these Terms。


 15. Lex causae。本條款應受美國和紐約州法律管轄及據此解釋,而不適用法律衝突原則。You agree to submit to the personal jurisdiction of the state and federal courts located in the County of New York with respect to any legal action arising out of this Agreement and waive any objection to the propriety or convenience of the venue in such courts。


 16. 在美國境外存取。如果您選擇從美國以外地區存取本網站,則您有責任遵守外國和當地法律。Mercer 不得提供保險或再保險經紀、風險諮詢、索賠或其他服務,或提供任何利益,前提是提供此類服務或利益會違反適用法律,Or subjecting Mercer or its affiliates to any sanctions, prohibitions or restrictions under United Nations Security Council resolutions or other trade or economic sanctions, laws or regulations。使用本網站,即表示您聲明並保證您遵守所有當地和外國法律。


 17. 其他。官方通訊必須透過郵寄方式寄至:








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 18. 本網站的某些區域須遵守其他使用條款。使用此類區域或其任何部分,即表示You agree接受適用於此類區域的額外使用條款的約束。 


 19. divisibility。If any provision of these Terms is held to be illegal, invalid or for any reason unenforceable, that provision shall be deemed severable from the rest of these Terms and shall not affect the legality, validity and enforceability of any remaining provision。


 20. No assignment。These Terms and conditions will protect and bind Mercer and its successors and assigns and related personnel, as well as you and your successors, executors, administrators, successors, permitted assigns and personal representatives。You may not assign these Terms or your rights and obligations under these Terms without Mercer's prior express written consent, which Mercer may refuse in its sole discretion。Mercer 可在未經You agree的情況下轉讓本條款及其在本條款下的權利和義務。


 21. 無棄權聲明。No consent or waiver by either party of a breach or default by the other party in performance of its obligations under this Section shall be deemed or construed as a consent or waiver of a continuing breach or default, or of any other breach or default, or of any other obligation of that Party。除非以書面形式並經雙方簽署,否則同意或棄權將屬無效。


 22. Whole contract。 這些使用條款和條件構成雙方就本協議主題達成的完整協議。


 23. 著作權代理人


向 Mercer 的著作權代理人發送著作權侵權索賠通知時,可郵寄至:








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 紐約州紐約市 10036 


If you believe that any content on this site infringes your copyright work, please provide Mercer's copyright agent with the following information:


(a) 獲授權代表著作權利益所有人行事之人士的電子或實體簽名;


(b) 您聲稱被侵權的著作權作品的說明;


(c) 您聲稱侵權之資料在本網站中的位置的說明;


(d) 您的地址、電話號碼和電子郵件地址;


(e) your statement that you have a good faith belief that the disputed use is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law;and


(f) Subject to perjury as a potential penalty, you represent that the information is accurate and that you are the copyright owner or are authorized to act on behalf of the copyright owner。



\n"}}' id="text-22c990a8a8">

生效日期:2023 年 2 月

使用本網站之前,請閱讀這些使用條款和條件(「本條款」)。歡迎來到 Mercer.com。我們將本網站或應用程式及其全部內容、特徵、設計和功能稱為“網站”。繼續存取或使用本網站或本網站的任何服務,即表示您接受這些條款。Mercer (US) LLC (" Mercer ") owns and operates this Website on behalf of itself and its worldwide subsidiaries (collectively, the "Mercer Companies"),To provide Mercer Companies (" Service ") with information and online services to its users。Mercer 得不定時修改或修改本條款。因此,在存取或使用本網站時,請繼續檢閱條款。您在本條款修改後使用本網站或本網站的任何服務,即表示您接受修改後的本條款。如果您在任何時候不願接受本條款,則不得使用本網站。Any additional terms or conditions proposed by you or any terms or conditions that conflict with these terms are expressly rejected by Mercer and have no effect or effect。These terms govern your use of the Site and are different from the terms or conditions of any other agreement between you and Mercer。

 1. 使用者同意使用條款及條件。您聲明您已閱讀並同意受本條款約束。您進一步同意:(i) 遵守適用的美國聯邦、州、地方和外國法律法規,根據條款傳輸從本網站獲得的任何資料;(ii) 不將本網站用於非法目的;以及 (iii) 不干擾或中斷與本網站相關的網路。

 2. 智慧財產權。This website, including but not limited to text, type, content, photographs, video, audio and graphics, is protected by Copyrights, trademarks, service marks, international treaties and/or other proprietary rights and laws of the United States and other countries。根據美國版權和其他法律和條約,本網站也作為集體作品或彙編而受到保護。所有構成本網站的個別文章、專欄和其他元素,也是受版權保護的作品。Trademarks, service marks, trade names, merchandise appearances, logos, designs and sounds associated with this website are the property of Mercer or third parties。You agree to comply with all applicable copyright, trademark and other laws, as well as any other intellectual property notices or restrictions contained on this Site。

 3. 授權使用;使用限制。您不得將本網站用於任何非法目的,或以與本條款不一致的任何方式使用本網站。You agree to use the Site solely for the purposes and benefit of you and your own organization and not to resell or otherwise transfer it to, or to be used by or for the benefit of any other person or entity。You agree not to use, transfer, distribute or dispose of any information contained in this Website in any manner that may be competitive with or harmful to Mercer's business。You acknowledge that this Website has been developed, edited, prepared, revised, selected and arranged by Mercer and others (including certain other sources of information) through the application of judgment methods and criteria developed and applied by considerable time, effort and money,並構成 Mercer 和此類其他人的寶貴智慧財產權和商業機密。You agree to protect the exclusive rights of Mercer and all other persons with rights on the Site during and after the term of this Agreement,And comply with all reasonable written requests made by Mercer or its content, equipment or other suppliers (" Suppliers "),以保護其及他人在本網站中的合約、法定及普通法權利。You agree to notify Mercer in writing immediately when you become aware of any party's unauthorized access to or use of the Site, or claim that the Site infringes any copyright, trademark, or other contractual, legal, or common law right。

 4. 其他使用限制。You may not copy, reproduce, recompile, decompile, reverse assemble, reverse engineer, distribute, publish, display, perform, modify, upload any portion of this site, create derivative works from any portion of this Site, transmit or in any way exploit any portion of this Site,但您可從本網站下載資料及/或列印合理數量之複本以供您個人使用,或於組織內使用,但所有複本應保留所有著作權及其他版權聲明。Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, you may not recycle, redistribute or publish the analysis and briefings contained on this website without the prior written consent of the Aggregator。修改網站內容違反了商家的版權和其他專有權利。In addition, you may not offer any portion of this Site for sale or distribution through any media, including but not limited to over-the-air television or radio, computer networks or hyperlinks on the Internet, without MERCER's prior written consent。The Site and the information contained therein may not be used to construct a database of any kind, nor may the Site be stored (in whole or in part) in a database for you or any third party to access or distribute any database site containing all or part of the Site。您不得以任何方式使用本網站,以改善您向任何第三方出售或提供的任何資料的品質。Except as expressly provided in these Terms, you may not use any trade names, trademarks, website marks and logos displayed on the Website (collectively, the "Relevant Marks").。Nothing appearing on this Site or elsewhere shall be construed as implying, estoppel or otherwise granting any right to use or use any mark。You will not use the Site, the information contained therein, or any business names or marks in unsolicited mail or spam material, nor will you send spam or unsolicited mail to any person or entity using the Site。

 5. 通訊服務。本網站可能包含新聞群組、論壇和/或其他訊息或通訊設施,旨在使您能夠與大眾進行大型或團體通訊(統稱為"通訊服務")。您可能需要註冊才能使用通訊服務。You agree對您在註冊時設定的密碼進行保密,且You agree不向任何其他個人或實體洩露密碼。You agree that you are solely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your password and that you will be responsible for any breach of this obligation, including, without limitation, any damage caused by or related to such breach。You agree對使用您的密碼進行的所有活動負全部責任。若您有任何理由認為您的密碼已遭洩露,您也同意立即聯絡 Mercer。

本公司得提供機會,讓 貴用戶及其他使用者透過本網站上的通訊服務來張貼或提交內容。Mercer does not endorse any user posts and they should not be construed as reflecting Mercer's opinions or views。You agree to be responsible for any Content you post or otherwise submit through the Service, including its legality, reliability, appropriateness, originality and copyright。You agree僅使用通訊服務來張貼、傳送及接收與特定通訊服務相關且適當之訊息及資料。舉例而言,You agree在使用通訊服務時不會:

  • 誹謗、辱罵、騷擾、跟蹤、威脅或以其他方式違反他人的合法權利(例如隱私權和公開權)。
  • Post, post, upload, distribute or disseminate any inappropriate, profane, defamatory, infringing, obscene, indecent or illegal subject matter, name, material or information。
  • Upload files containing software or other material protected by intellectual property laws (or rights of privacy and publicity) unless you own or control the rights or have obtained all necessary consents。
  • Upload files that contain viruses, corrupted files, or any other similar software or programs that may damage the operation of another person's computer。
  • Advertise or offer to sell or buy any goods or services for any commercial purpose, unless such messages are expressly permitted by the communications Service。
  • 進行或轉發調查、競賽、金字塔騙局或連鎖信。
  • 下載其他通訊服務使用者所張貼且您知道或理應知道不得以此方式合法散佈的任何檔案。
  • Falsify or remove any attribution, legal or other appropriate claim of authorship, proprietary names or labels or other information contained in the uploaded file, or the source or provenance of the software。
  • 限制或禁止任何其他使用者使用及享用通訊服務。
  • 違反可能適用於任何特定通訊服務的任何行為準則或其他準則。
  • 在未經他人同意的情況下,搜集或以其他方式收集他人的資訊,包括電子郵件地址。
  • 違反任何適用的法律或法規。

Mercer 沒有義務監控通訊服務。然而,Mercer Reserve the right,得審查發佈於通訊服務的資料,並得自行斟酌移除任何資料。Mercer 保留隨時基於任何理由終止您存取任何或所有通訊服務的權利,恕不另行通知。

Mercer 將根據其在 的隱私權聲明,管理透過本網站收集的任何個人資訊 http://y1m.eliogonzalez.com/footer/privacy-notice。According to its Privacy Statement, Mercer reserves the right to disclose any information at any time and as needed to satisfy any applicable law, regulation, legal process or government request, or at Mercer's sole discretion to edit, refuse to post or remove all or part of the information or materials。

Mercer 不聲稱您提供給 Mercer 或貼文的資料擁有權(包括回饋和建議), 上傳、 輸入或提交任何通訊服務(統稱為"提交"); 然而 透過張貼, Up cross, 輸入、 提供或提交您授予 Mercer 的提交資料, 其附屬公司、 再被許可人及本網站的其他使用者許可,在其業務營運過程中使用您的提交內容,包括: 不受限制, 以下權利: 複製、 分發、 傳輸、 公開展示 公開表演 複製, 編輯、 翻譯並重新格式化您的提交內容; 並發佈與您提交內容相關的姓名。

如本文所述,不會就使用您的提交內容支付任何報酬。Mercer is under no obligation to post or use any submission you may provide, and may remove or edit any submission at any time in Mercer's sole discretion。


 6. 授權。Except for the limited right to use the Site in accordance with these Terms, you do not acquire any rights or licenses to the Site and the materials contained therein。

 7. 連結與架構。Mercer prohibits caching of this website, unauthorized hypertext links to this Website, and the structure of any information available through this Website。Mercer reserves the right to deactivate any unauthorized links or frames and expressly disclaims any responsibility for the content of any other websites linked to this site。與本網站連結的其他網際網路網站都有自己的使用條款和條件以及隱私權政策。Access to any other websites linked to this site is at your own risk, and Mercer expressly disclaims any and all liability in connection with such websites。

 8. 連結。You may not link to this Site, either the home page or any other page located one or more levels below the home page (" deep links "), nor display or present the content of this Site within other sites (" frames ") without express written consent of Mercer.。

 9. Reserve the right。根據任何國內或國外政府當局法律,All present and future rights to trade secrets, patents, Copyrights, trade names, trademarks, service marks, databases, expertise and other proprietary rights of any kind,Including all rights between you and Mercer in relation to the application and registration of this Website (" Intellectual Property Rights "),應始終是 Mercer 的唯一和專有財產。All present and future rights and title to the Site (including the right to utilize any present or future technology on the Site and any portion of the Site) are reserved to Mercer。

 10. 免責聲明和責任限制。The information contained on this website provides only a general overview of the topics covered, is not intended as advice for any individual situation and should not be relied upon as such, nor does it constitute and is not a substitute for obtaining your own tax or legal advice。您應就特定承保問題諮詢您的保險和法律顧問。所有保險範圍均受適用個人保單的條款、條件和除外條款約束。Mercer 無法保證可為任何特定客戶或任何特定風險投保。

You agree to use the Site at your own risk and acknowledge that the Site and any content in it, including but not limited to the content, services, goods or advertising or any documents on the Site (" Items "), are provided "as is" and "as available"。We do not provide any representations, warranties or conditions (whether express or implied) with respect to the Site and the Project, including but not limited to the implied representations, warranties or conditions relating to merchantability, non-infringement, title, fitness for a particular purpose or use, performance, availability, timeliness, accuracy or completeness。Mercer does not warrant that the Site is compatible with your device or that it is free of bugs or viruses, worms or "Trojan horses" and is not responsible for any damage you may suffer as a result of such destructive features。You agree that Mercer's suppliers and their third party agents shall not be liable or liable for: (i) any injury or damage, 無論是 Mercer 的疏忽, 其員工、 轉包商、 值機員、 供應商或因本網站而生的其他情況; 或 (ii) 任何過失, inaccuracy, 遺漏、 因您的電腦設備或因您在此類設備上使用網站而導致的延遲或任何其他故障; 或 (iii) 未經我們明確同意,您對項目的任何依賴。

本網站外部網站的連結僅為方便起見。Mercer 不審查、背書、核准或控制任何從 mercer.We are not responsible for, and are not responsible for, links to or links to websites, the content of such websites, third parties named therein, or their products and services。Linking to any other website is at your own risk and Mercer is not responsible for any damage associated with the link。Mercer 並未維護或控制可能連結至本網站的其他網站、服務、商品或廣告內容。Links to downloadable software websites are for convenience only, and Mercer is not responsible for any difficulties or consequences associated with downloading the Software。Accordingly, Mercer is not responsible for the availability, content or accuracy of other websites, services or goods that may link to or advertise on this Website。Mercer does not: (a) make any warranties, express or implied, with respect to the use of links provided on this Site;(b) guarantee the accuracy, completeness, usefulness or adequacy of any other websites, services, goods or advertisements that may be linked to this Website;Or (c) make any express or implied endorsement of any other websites, services, goods or advertisements that may be linked to this Website。Mercer 也不對您用來存取本網站的電話線路和設備的可靠性或持續可用性負責。You understand that Mercer and/or third party Site contributors may at any time elect to prohibit or disable access to their content in accordance with these Terms。

 11. 責任限制。You agree,在任何情況下, 包括但不限於疏忽、 應該合併 其供應商或其第三方代理商須就直接、 間接、 附帶, 衍生性、 特殊, 懲罰性或懲戒性損害賠償,即使已特別告知絲光公司的授權代表該等損害賠償之可能性, 因使用或無法使用網站、網站的任何連結或項目,或條款的任何規定所引起, 例如 但不限於 收入損失、預期利潤或業務損失。This limitation of liability includes, but is not limited to, the spread of any virus that may infect User equipment, failure of mechanical or electronic equipment or communication lines, unauthorized access or any force majeure。MERCER 不能也不保證連續、不間斷或安全地存取網站。若干司法管轄區不允許排除某些損害,因此上述除外情況可能不適用於您。您可能擁有因國家而異的其他權利。您在這些司法管轄區應用適用法律而可能擁有的任何權利,不受此免責聲明的影響。

 12. 聲明及保證。您聲明、保證並承諾:(i) 年滿 18 歲,And/or have the power and authority to enter into this Agreement;(ii) may enter into legally binding contracts under applicable law;(iii) Not use any of the rights granted under this Agreement for any unlawful purpose;And (iv) Use the Website only in accordance with these Terms。

 13. 賠償。You agree, 自費 賠償 捍衛並使 Mercer 及其員工免受傷害, 代表、 供應商和代理商、 任何索賠, 西裝、 行動或其他程序, 在基於或因您使用網站而產生的範圍內, 或本網站上的任何連結, 包括 但不限於: (i) 您或您的電腦使用者使用本網站; (ii) 您或使用您電腦的任何人違反本條款; (iii) 聲稱您或您使用電腦之人對本網站的任何使用侵犯任何第三方的任何智慧財產權(如本文所定義), 或任何人格或公開權, 誹謗或誹謗 或以其他方式導致任何第三方受傷或損壞; (iv) 任何刪除; 附加項目、 插入或改變, 或任何未經授權的使用, 您或他人使用您的電腦或您的密碼所建立的網站; 或 (v) 任何不實陳述或違反陳述, 您在此所做出的保證或契約。You agree to pay any and all costs, damages and expenses (including reasonable attorneys' fees) and costs awarded arising out of or in connection with or arising out of any such claim, action, action or proceeding。

 14. 終止。您或 Mercer 得隨時終止本條款,無論是否有理由,且立即生效。您可以透過中止使用本網站並銷毀從本網站獲得的所有材料來終止本條款。若 Mercer 自行判斷您未能遵守本條款的任何規定,本條款將立即終止,恕不另行通知。Upon your termination or Mercer's notice of termination, you must immediately destroy all materials obtained from this Site and any copies thereof。Clauses 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22 and 23 shall survive termination of these Terms。

 15. Lex causae。本條款應受美國和紐約州法律管轄及據此解釋,而不適用法律衝突原則。You agree to submit to the personal jurisdiction of the state and federal courts located in the County of New York with respect to any legal action arising out of this Agreement and waive any objection to the propriety or convenience of the venue in such courts。

 16. 在美國境外存取。如果您選擇從美國以外地區存取本網站,則您有責任遵守外國和當地法律。Mercer 不得提供保險或再保險經紀、風險諮詢、索賠或其他服務,或提供任何利益,前提是提供此類服務或利益會違反適用法律,Or subjecting Mercer or its affiliates to any sanctions, prohibitions or restrictions under United Nations Security Council resolutions or other trade or economic sanctions, laws or regulations。使用本網站,即表示您聲明並保證您遵守所有當地和外國法律。

 17. 其他。官方通訊必須透過郵寄方式寄至:




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 18. 本網站的某些區域須遵守其他使用條款。使用此類區域或其任何部分,即表示You agree接受適用於此類區域的額外使用條款的約束。 

 19. divisibility。If any provision of these Terms is held to be illegal, invalid or for any reason unenforceable, that provision shall be deemed severable from the rest of these Terms and shall not affect the legality, validity and enforceability of any remaining provision。

 20. No assignment。These Terms and conditions will protect and bind Mercer and its successors and assigns and related personnel, as well as you and your successors, executors, administrators, successors, permitted assigns and personal representatives。You may not assign these Terms or your rights and obligations under these Terms without Mercer's prior express written consent, which Mercer may refuse in its sole discretion。Mercer 可在未經You agree的情況下轉讓本條款及其在本條款下的權利和義務。

 21. 無棄權聲明。No consent or waiver by either party of a breach or default by the other party in performance of its obligations under this Section shall be deemed or construed as a consent or waiver of a continuing breach or default, or of any other breach or default, or of any other obligation of that Party。除非以書面形式並經雙方簽署,否則同意或棄權將屬無效。

 22. Whole contract。 這些使用條款和條件構成雙方就本協議主題達成的完整協議。

 23. 著作權代理人

向 Mercer 的著作權代理人發送著作權侵權索賠通知時,可郵寄至:




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 紐約州紐約市 10036 

If you believe that any content on this site infringes your copyright work, please provide Mercer's copyright agent with the following information:

(a) 獲授權代表著作權利益所有人行事之人士的電子或實體簽名;

(b) 您聲稱被侵權的著作權作品的說明;

(c) 您聲稱侵權之資料在本網站中的位置的說明;

(d) 您的地址、電話號碼和電子郵件地址;

(e) your statement that you have a good faith belief that the disputed use is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law;and

(f) Subject to perjury as a potential penalty, you represent that the information is accurate and that you are the copyright owner or are authorized to act on behalf of the copyright owner。
